August 2023
August 31
So, I fell off the Eat Like A Bear Diet, abused laxatives and gained all of my weight back. I officially stopped in December...home from school for two weeks, unhealthy cooking and lots of sweets. There are the excuses...the end. I am not happy about this, nor am I proud of what I have done to myself. I could tell you I was under a heavy cloud and a lot of stress and I turned to comfort food which led to a cycle of binging and purging...and it caught up to me. I take full responsibility for my actions.
I have screwed with my system so much, that I can't do the things I once did with success, and a part of me threw my hands up and said I am done...maybe I am supposed to look this way...maybe it's fate...etc. until another voice came through and told that voice to stfu.
This happened in July when a glimmer of hope came across the despair...a co worker as well as a family member was having success with a shot per week tailored to help people lose weight. I hadn't been paying attention to the latest weight loss crazes...I had given up...so I started looking into it. After two company fails, I am now with Alchemy Wellness and I love working with Teresa.
Today's weigh in showed me down 8.7 pounds. I give myself my first shot with the new dosage this Saturday, September 2. I have tried to stick with weighing myself once a week so I don't get obsessive about it...although I have slipped this week and have weighed the last three days.
I am also showing signs of becoming obsessive with my calorie count. I am allowed 1117 calories per day, and like the good anorexic I am...I try very hard not to reach that number. Yesterday, I went over by 80 and wanted to purge when I saw that figure this morning. I didn't, but I have also had nowhere near the allotted calories today. I have to find a way to retrain my thoughts about this, and not see this number as the enemy to be battled by making sure I don't reach it...instead look at it as a good thing...it's going to take time!
September 2023
September 01
I wasn't going to do it, but I did...I weighed in this morning and I am officially 10 pounds lighter. It's not much in the grand scheme of things, but I will take it! 60 pounds to go!!
September 05
I have been fighting a sinus infection for a week now. I slept around the clock this past weekend and didn't get anything done. I did track my food and I didn't make the healthiest of choices, but I ate what was quick and easy. This will be my second week at 1.0 dosage with the semaglutide and I hope I will lose an additional 5 pounds this month...
September 08
I ran into a little trouble Tuesday and Wednesday. I didn't log my food into the bodysite app, and I got off track. I am back on track now and down another pound. I had Donna take a picture of me today, as the last one was taken July 31, and there's not a lot of difference. July 31 I was down 6 pounds, September 8, down an additional 5. It looks like I am a little smaller, but I have a long way to go. One small celebration: a ring I bought to fit on my ring finger is now sliding off, so I had to move to the pointer on my left hand...still to tight on the right pointer. Another small celebration...I zipped my jeans with ease this morning and no muffin top!
October 2023
October 20, 2023
So last month was interesting. I got COVID for the first time, and it kicked my butt! I got off track with my tracking and I was just eating what I could. Then this month, we lost my aunt. We knew it would be this year or at the latest, next year.
With all of this going on, history shows I should have backslid and started gaining, but I am still losing! Of course I continued losing last year through Thanksgiving, but allowed Christmas and all of the goodies to get me off track and then...I gave up.
I took a photo for my monthly update...I look so thrilled in it...I am wearing the same shirt as last month. I am down an additional six pounds. I can kind of see it in my face and the shirt's embroidery is lower which means it is fitting bigger. I am in the next size down jeans, and around the middle, my skin was touching the shirt in last month's...this month's I pulled the shirt tighter...still fat though.
October 23, 2023
I was looking over my brief journal entries from last year the other day and I realized my diet started on September 25, and by Halloween, I was where I am now. It has taken me longer to lose the pounds, but I haven't stalled out yet and I like the losing of it at a slower pace...it feels like this is sustainable vs. a shock to my system. By Thanksgiving last year I was stalled and it was so easy to fall off that wagon in December. With the shots, I may feel like falling off the wagon, but I pay for it and it is a very uncomfortable lesson! I will be honest, I wish I would have lost more by now, but 18.5 pounds in 3 months is not bad! I am also not depriving myself, I just eat smaller amounts.
November 2023
November 6
So, I am officially down 20 pounds today...next goal is obviously 25 pounds. Work is going well. I increased the dosage of my shot this week, and that always affects how much I eat at the beginning of the week. I wasn't feeling well this weekend, and practically slept the entire weekend away.
I plan to get a lot of walking/hiking done over the week long break for Thanksgiving. I want to hit that 25 pound mark by the end of November.